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Join us at Dronley Community Woodland for a WOODLAND WALK

(more details below)

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Dronley Community Woodland is a multipurpose woodland where timber production, biodiversity and recreation are equal priorities.

The Woodland offers volunteering opportunities, courses, and school involvement to establish a strong connection between the local community and their woodland.


We manage Dronley Wood by applying low-impact woodland management called Continuous Cover Forestry. Our management approach protects the soil, forest microclimate, flora, fauna and trees.


We aim to develop Dronley Wood towards a resilient mixed woodland that can produce high-quality timber for the benefit of future generations whilst maintaining, enhancing and safeguarding a functioning woodland ecosystem. 

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We would like to invite you for a guided walk at Dronley Community Woodland where we can show you what we have achieved so far through our low impact woodland management called Continuous Cover Forestry.

We can share the challenges faced, the vital role of Continuos Cover Forestry in mitigating the effects of climate change and discuss the importance of developing existing woodlands into diverse, multi-aged and resilient mixed woods. 


We will have the opportunity to see and discuss the different silvicultural systems helping us to develop healthy, stable, multi-layered and resilient mixed woodlands for the benefit of future generations.


Please bring waterproofs, sturdy footwear and lunch.


** Please book a place for the Guided Walk by email **

Sat 29th JUNE 

10 am - 1pm

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