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Spotlight on Angus Young Engineers

Have you heard about the Angus Young Engineers and how this fantastic education based charity supports the young people of Forfar?

We are delighted to be shining our Spotlight on this innovative local group and introducing them to you!

The Angus Young Engineers Group was set up in 2009 as an After School Club based in Forfar. The initial and continuing aim is to encourage students to get involved in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematic (STEM) activities, which in turn helps bridge the gap between industry requirements and the skills being taught at school.

The group supports students and young people referred through Forfar Academy and is run by Forfar Academy teacher Bob Baldie. Their base is located at the Strathmore Rugby Club where there is a container that acts as a workshop and also a bus that is kitted out as a classroom, filled with learning tools and equipment.

This bus and the Young Engineers have travelled to the Highland Games, Gala's and Craft Fairs around Scotland, bringing the fantastic opportunity to not only showcase their skills and cutting edge equipment but also to meet future employers, engage with people and gain confidence in themselves.

However, the innovation does not stop there!

With the recent funding we provided through the Change for Good Fund, the Angus Young Engineers were able to fulfil their plans to become an off grid facility. They used the funding to buy and install solar panels and a wind turbine. They also bought renewable energy testing equipment, so they can teach renewable energy technical skills.

For the last 3 months, since installing this energy producing equipment they have been able to power all their tools and equipment from the bus and workshop, as well as their lighting. Imagine that - no energy bills. We can all aspire to that!

Below you can see the panels and turbine in pride of place at the Young Engineers' workshop.

We think you'll agree what a wonderful opportunity of learning the Angus Young Engineers brings to our local young folk.

We look forward to seeing the ingenious ideas and use of technology that will be utilised next to help develop our engineers of the future, and benefit our planet too!

*photo credits ; Kate Munro

SPOTLIGHT FEATURE - There's a lot happening around Angus where people are getting together and doing great things with and for their community. We want to shine a SPOTLIGHT , sharing and celebrating what is happening in the wider community. We hope this may inspire you to get involved, connect with others, learn a new skill or even set up your own group!  

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